Functions: Exercises


These exercises are optional.

Exerise 1

Take a look at the following function:

fun_1 <- function(x, y){ 
 res <- round(x/y^2, digits = 2)
 print(paste0("This returns:", res))
  1. What does it do?

Let’s take a look:

out_fun_1 <- fun_1(86, 1.87)
[1] "This returns:24.59"
[1] "This returns:24.59"

Hmm, so option one seems to be correct:

Actually, this function calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI): \(\frac{weight(kg)}{height(m)^2}\). However, it doesn’t return a numeric value, but just prints the result of the calculation along with some text.

  1. Improve it, so it becomes clearer what it does, and it returns something more meaningful.

Assign a more informative name and more informative argument names. Use return() to make clear what the function returns. Print a more informative statement.

calc_bmi <- function(kg, meter){ 
  bmi <- round(kg/meter^2, digits = 2)
  print(paste0("Your BMI is: ", bmi))

my_bmi <- calc_bmi(86, 1.87)
[1] "Your BMI is: 24.59"
[1] 24.59

Here we gave the function and its arguments some more informative names. We also used the return() function to clearly return the result of the calculation, which also makes it easy to save the output of the function in an object. Finally, we wrote a more informative printed statement.