Basic Operations

Let’s take a quick look at the most important basic operations in R. You can also use a cheat sheet to keep an overview during the course.

Basic Mathematical Operations

We can use R as a calculator:

(1 + 2) * 3^2
2 - 3/log(8)

Assignment Operator

We can create objects in R by using the assignment operator <-, which assigns a value to an object:

## Assign the result of 1 + 1 to the object 'result':
result <- 1 + 1
[1] 2
## Assign the result of the comparison to the object 'log_result':
log_result <- 10 > 1
[1] TRUE

Combination of Elements

We can combine multiple elements to build a new one:

new_element <- c(1, 10, 15)

In this case, this new element is a vector, which is a one dimensional collection of values. The c() stands for combine, or concatenate, and is the basic function for building a vector out of single elements.

Comparisons and Logical Operators

The boolean variables in R are TRUE and FALSE. Comparison operators return either TRUE or FALSE:

1 < 2
[1] TRUE
# But:
2 < 1

These are the comparison operators you will typically use:

Operator Description
< less than
> greater than
== equal to
!= not equal to
<= less or equal
>= greater or equal
%in% part of

Mainly we will use these logical operations to check which elements in a vector satisfy some requirements:

# Build a vector of numbers ranging from 1 to 10
vec_num <- 1:10

# Check which of these numbers are smaller than 5
vec_num < 5

This will become important later on, when we want to subset vectors and data frames to extract only those values that satisfy some requirements we’ve defined.


The %in% operator is used to check for each element of its first argument if it is part of the second argument:

c("Monica", "Rachel", "Barny") %in% c("Monica", "Rachel", "Ross", "Joey", "Phoebe", "Chandler")


We can invert boolean values by using !:

!(1 > 100)
[1] TRUE

| (“or”) and & (“and”)

We can also combine multiple logical operations by using | (“or”) and/or & (“and”):

[1] TRUE
(10 < 20 | "a" == "b")
[1] TRUE
(10 < 20 & "a" == "b")
!(10 < 20 & "a" == "b")
[1] TRUE


Everything that does something in R is a function. A function call has the form: functionname(argument1 = value, argument2 = value, ...). One basic example is the function that can calculate the square root:

[1] 2

We can also assign the name of the function argument to our value. This is clearer, as we don’t rely on the order of the function arguments:

rep(4, 10)
 [1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

will rep 4 10 times. If we swap the arguments, the 10 will be repeated 4 times:

rep(10, 4)
[1] 10 10 10 10

But if we specify which value belongs to which function argument, the order doesn’t matter:

rep(times = 10, x = 4)
 [1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

How do we know which arguments a function has? By using the documentation:


One of the most important functions in R is the help-function ?:


will open the documentation for the function with the description of its usage, details about the arguments … Take a look and become acquainted with the structure of the function documentation, it is an important tool!