Exercise 3: Changing CSL in Quarto


  1. Open the Quarto document you created in the previous exercise.
  2. Go to the Zotero Style Repository and find a style you like. Download the CSL file for that style by clicking on the link, and pressing “Cancel” when asked to add the citation style to Zotero.
    • This will add the .csl file to your downloads folder rather than installing it directly into Zotero.
  3. Add the downloaded CSL file to the same folder as your R Project.
  4. Change the citation style in the YAML front matter to the name of the downloaded CSL file.
    • The YAML for this should look something like csl: "my-csl-file.csl", and can be listed under the output key.
  5. Re-knit your Quarto document. What has changed in the output?
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