Exercise 2: Integrating with Quarto


  1. Create a new R Project in RStudio.
  2. Create a new Quarto document in the R Project. This should be available as an option in the “New File” dropdown menu under “File”.
  3. Make sure you are using the “Visual Editor” mode in Quarto.
  4. Insert a citation into the body of your document by pressing the “Insert” button in the toolbar and scroll down to the “Citation” option.
  5. Select “My Library” under the Zotero tab. Find the “Exercise 1” folder you created in the previous exercise and select a reference to insert.
  6. What has happened to your Quarto file? What has been added to the YAML front matter? What has been added to the body of the document?
    • A references.bib file should have been added to your project, and referenced in the YAML front matter.
    • A citation should have been added to the body of the document.
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