Real life example

This is a walk through one relatively simple simulation written to check whether a
generalized linear model on a contingency table of counts (poisson distribution) would provide the same results as a
generalized linear model with one line per observation and the occurence of the variable of interest coded as Yes/No (binomial distribution).

I created this code while preparing my preregistration for a simple behavioral ecology experiment:
Methods for independently manipulating palatability and color in small insect prey (article, OSF preregistration)

The R script screenshoted below can be found in the folder Ihle2020.

This walk through will use the steps as defined in the page ‘general structure

  1. define sample sizes (within a dataset, and number of replicates), experimental design (fixed dataset structure, e.g. treatment groups, factors) and parameters that will need to vary (here, the strength of the effect)

  2. generate data (here, using sample() and the probabilities defined in step 1 and format it in two different ways to accomodate the two statistical tests to be compared.

  3. run the statistical test and save the parameter estimate of interest for that iteration. Here, this is done for both statistical tests to be compared.

  4. replicate step 2 (data simulation) and 3 (data analyses) to get the distribution of the parameter estimates by wrapping these steps in a function

    definition of the function at the beginning:

    output returned from the function at the end:

    replicate the function nrep number of times. Here pbreplicate is used to provide a bar of progress for R to run this command.

  5. explore the parameter space. Here, vary the probabilities of sampling between 0 and 1 depending on the treatment group category.

  6. analyze and interpret the combine results of many simulations. In this case, the results of the two models were qualitatively the same (comparison of results for a few simulations), and both models gave the same expected 5% false positive results when no effect were simulated. Varying the effect (the probability of sampling 0 or 1 depending on the experimental treatment) allowed to find the minimum effect size for which the number of positive results is over 80% of the tests.

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