Make this repository a local RStudio project

You have two options to fetch this material:

A. You know version control with Git and GitHub

Fork and clone this repository (here is a reminder on how to do this)

B. You do not know version control, and/or simply want to download a copy of this material

1) Download the repository
Please download the GitHub repository that we are using today:

Once the .zip file downloaded, extract it and place the folder in the desired directory (e.g. Documents).

2) Turn it into a RStudio project

If you do not have R or RStudio installed, please follow these instructions first.

Open RStudio, and go to ‘File’, ‘New Project…’, and select ‘Existing Directory’.

Select the downloaded (and extracted) folder, by clicking on ‘Browse’, then select ‘Create Project’.

In the panel containing the ‘Files’ tab, find the exercise sheet, and open it by double clicking on it.

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