Apply to attend the whole summer school (in-person or online)

To attend the whole school, i.e. both public lectures and workshops for selected applicants, in person or online, you must apply before 17 July 2023, 12:00 noon CEST.

Apply here:

The summer school is targeted at PhD students of all scientific disciplines (Medical sciences, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, etc. as opposed to research fields in the Humanities). Master students and early post docs are also welcome to apply. It will be held in a hybrid format and you will be able to choose your preferred mode of participation (online or in-person). By applying, we expect you to attend all sessions of the school (with exception possible). A certificate of attendance will be provided.

During the application process, you will be asked about your motivation and experience. We will prioritize novices with clear ideas about where to integrate these news skills in their own research. At equal score, we will prioritize members of the LMU, and maximize the diversity of applicants background in terms of discipline, career stage, and gender.

The in-person part of the school will take place in UB der LMU - Fachbibliothek Philologicum, Ludwigstraße 25, 80539 München, Germany. The online part will be on Zoom. We will not provide travel grants.

Join one or several of the public lectures (online)

Anyone can register at any time before the end of the summer school to attend one, multiple, or all lectures online.

Register here:

Access the training material of the school

Recording of the lectures, slides, and workshops material are accessible on our Open Science Framework repository under a CC BY 4.0 by attribution licence.

Access our summer school material here: