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Sensitivity Analysis
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Sensitivity Analysis: Impute Sensing Data with MiceRanger

Sensitivity Analysis


Florian Pargent

LMU Munich

David Goretzko

Utrecht University

Timo von Oertzen

Bundeswehr University Munich and Max Planck Institute for Human Development


March 4, 2024


This document is an updated copy of a published commentary, to showcase Quarto manuscripts in our Quarto workshop. The official online repository of our published commentary can be found here.

The analysis presented in the electronic supplemental material document are quite similar for more elaborate imputation schemes. For the interested reader, we prepared data imputed with the miceRanger package.

In [1]:
phonedata_sensing = readRDS(file = "datasets/clusterdata.RDS")
phonedata_sensing = phonedata_sensing[, c(1:1821)]
mice_obj_sensing = miceRanger(phonedata_sensing, m = 1, maxiter = 1, 
  valueSelector = "meanMatch", verbose = FALSE)
saveRDS(mice_obj_sensing, file = "mice_obj_sensing.RDS")

See the instructions on how to use this imputed dataset in the electronic supplemental materials.