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Electronic Supplemental Material: New Insights into PCA + Varimax for Psychological Researchers

A short commentary on Rohe & Zeng (2023)


Florian Pargent

LMU Munich

David Goretzko

Utrecht University

Timo von Oertzen

Bundeswehr University Munich and Max Planck Institute for Human Development


March 4, 2024


This document is an updated copy of a published commentary, to showcase Quarto manuscripts in our Quarto workshop. The official online repository of our published commentary can be found here.

A Short Commentary on Rohe & Zeng (2023)

In their paper “Vintage factor analysis with varimax performs statistical inference”, Rohe and Zeng [R&Z; Rohe & Zeng (2023)] demonstrate the usefulness of principal component analysis with varimax rotation (PCA+VR), a combination they call vintage factor analysis. The authors show that PCA+VR can be used to estimate factor scores and factor loadings, if a certain leptokurtic condition is fulfilled that can be assessed by simple visual diagnostics. In a side result, they also imply that PCA+VR is able to estimate factor scores even if the latent factors are correlated. In our commentary “New Insights into PCA + Varimax for Psychological Researchers” (Pargent et al., 2023), we briefly discuss some implications of these results for psychological research and note that the suggested diagnostics of “radial streaks” might give less clear results in typical psychological applications. The commentary includes extensive electronic supplemental materials, containing a data example and a small simulation on estimating correlated factors, that can be found at

In the current electronic supplementary materials, we present i) an exemplary data analysis that is discussed in our comment, and ii) a small simulation demonstrating the ability of PCA+VR to estimate correlated factors.

Data Example: The PhoneStudy

In [1]:

In contrast to the examples in R&Z which only deal with sparse binary network data, psychological applications (traditionally) deal with i) questionnaire items or (increasingly) ii) digital data, e.g., mobile sensing. The \(A\) matrix consists of i) integer-valued responses on \(d\) Likert items or ii) continuous values on \(d\) sensing variables, by \(n\) persons. Degree normalization discussed by R&Z does not seem suitable here and z-standardization is often required to detect meaningful factors in practice. We also do not share R&Z’s enthusiasm that “radial streaks” are common.

For the following demonstration, we use the publicly available PhoneStudy behavioral patterns dataset, which has been used to predict human personality from smartphone usage data (Stachl et al., 2020). The PhoneStudy collected i) self-reported questionnaire data of personality traits measured with the German Big Five Structure Inventory [BFSI; 5 factors and 30 facets, Arendasy et al. (2011)], ii) demographic variables (age, gender, education), and iii) behavioral data from smartphone sensing (e.g., communication & social behavior, app-usage, music consumption, overall phone usage, day-nighttime activity), bundled from several smaller studies. The mobile sensing data was recorded for up to 30 days on the personal smartphone of study volunteers.

Item responses to the personality questionnaire are contained in the file datasets/Items.csv while aggregated smartphone sensing variables are contained in the file datasets/clusterdata.RDS. Both can be downloaded from We include copies of the aggregated datasets in our project repository for convenience. More details on the PhoneStudy data can be found in Stachl et al. (2020). Mobile sensing variables are described in more detail at

Item Response Data

Item responses to the 300 personality items of the Big Five questionnaire are almost complete and we decided to use complete case analysis here, although imputation would be possible as well.

In [2]:
phonedata_items = read.csv2("datasets/Items.csv")
phonedata_items = na.omit(phonedata_items[, 3:302])

As is common for psychometric analyses, we standardize the item response data with scale and convert the data.frame to a dgCMatrix that can be analyzed with vsp R package. However, not standardizing the items does not change the following results much here because there cannot be large outliers in item responses and item variances due to the fixed response format (all items are measured on a Likert scale with 4 labeled categories).

In [3]:
items_mat_z = as.matrix(scale(phonedata_items))
colnames(items_mat_z) = colnames(phonedata_items)
items_mat_z = as(items_mat_z, "dgCMatrix")

The screeplot suggests a decrease in singular values after the 5th component. This is in line with the theory behind the questionnaire that was constructed to measure the Big Five personality factors.

In [4]:
screeplot(vsp(items_mat_z, rank = 50,
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = FALSE))

Note that each Big Five factor is represented in the questionnaire by 6 lower order personality facets measured by 10 items each. Thus, theory would suggest that extracting 30 components should also be meaningful.

To keep it simple, we extract only 5 components here.

In [5]:
pca_items_z = vsp(items_mat_z, rank = 5,
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = FALSE)

Note that we do set degree_normalize = FALSE and center = FALSE because we do not analyze binary network data and we have already standardized our item responses.

We search for radial streaks in the estimated component and loading matrices:

In [6]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_items_z$Z[, 1:5]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "Estimated components (with standardization)")

We do not find streaks in the estimated component matrix \(\hat{Z}\).

In [7]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_items_z$Y[, 1:5]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.3), 
  main = "Estimated loadings (with standardization)")

However, we find noisy streaks in the estimated loading matrix \(\hat{Y}\). This simple structure is in line with the construction process of the personality questionnaire, which has the goal that each item measures only a single Big Five factor. Streaks are even more pronounced when extracting 30 components.

Finally, we interpret the components by highlighting the 10 items with the highest absolute loadings on each component.

In [8]:
n = 10
top_vars_items_z = data.frame(
  Extraversion = names(sort(abs(pca_items_z$Y[, 1]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Conscientiousness = names(sort(abs(pca_items_z$Y[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Agreeableness = names(sort(abs(pca_items_z$Y[, 3]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  EmotionalStability = names(sort(abs(pca_items_z$Y[, 4]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Openness = names(sort(abs(pca_items_z$Y[, 5]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n])
Extraversion Conscientiousness Agreeableness EmotionalStability Openness
E1.1 C6.8 A6.8 ES6.10 O2.6
E4.3 C2.5 O3.3 ES1.3 O2.5
E2.7 C4.9 A6.10 ES2.3 O6.2
E2.2 ES5.6 A6.2 ES2.9 O2.10
E2.4 C3.6 O3.7 ES2.7 O5.4
E2.8 C5.6 E1.7 ES2.1 O1.6
E4.5 C3.1 A6.6 ES2.8 O1.2
ES4.10 C2.7 A6.4 ES3.7 O1.9
E2.6 C4.5 A6.5 ES1.4 O2.8
E3.2 C2.3 O3.1 ES2.6 O2.1

With few exceptions, the item labels indicate that the implied Big Five personality factors (Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, Openness) were recovered as expected.

Mobile Sensing Data

In [9]:
phonedata_sensing = readRDS(file = "datasets/clusterdata.RDS")
phonedata_sensing = phonedata_sensing[, c(1:1821)]

The smartphone sensing data contains 1821 preprocessed variables. Of these variables, 772 contain missing values and not a single person has complete data on all variables. Thus, imputation of missing values seems a necessity when working with these data. We use very simple mean imputation here which is sufficient for the goal of our demonstration.

In [10]:
phonedata_sensing_imp = phonedata_sensing
for(col in colnames(phonedata_sensing_imp)) {
  phonedata_sensing_imp[which([[col]])), col] <-
    mean(phonedata_sensing_imp[[col]], na.rm = TRUE)

However, our results are quite similar for more elaborate imputation schemes. For the interested reader, we prepared data imputed with the miceRanger package in the sensitivity analysis document.

If you want to use that data, you have to set eval: true or manually run the following chunk in the .qmd file.

In [11]:
mice_obj_sensing = readRDS(file = "mice_obj_sensing.RDS")
phonedata_sensing_imp =[[1]])

Analysis with Standardization

In contrast to the item response data, there is a huge difference in the standard deviations of the smartphone sensing variables.

In [12]:
round(quantile(sapply(phonedata_sensing_imp, sd)), 2)
        0%        25%        50%        75%       100% 
      0.02       0.21       2.13      12.81 1723949.43 

Thus, it is important to standardize the variables before further analysis.

In [13]:
sensing_mat_imp_z = as.matrix(scale(phonedata_sensing_imp))
colnames(sensing_mat_imp_z) = colnames(phonedata_sensing_imp)
sensing_mat_imp_z = as(sensing_mat_imp_z, "dgCMatrix")
screeplot(vsp(sensing_mat_imp_z, rank = 50, 
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = TRUE))

The screeplot does not show a clear gap or elbow for the smartphone sensing data. To keep it simple, we extract only 5 components here, but higher numbers also provide meaningful insights.

Again, we do not use degree normalization but we set center = TRUE despite standardizing the columns because row means also differ to some extent.

In [14]:
pca_sensing_imp_z = vsp(sensing_mat_imp_z, rank = 5, 
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = TRUE)

We search for radial streaks in the estimated component and loading matrices:

In [15]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp_z$Z[, 1:5]), cex = 0.3, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.1), 
  main = "Estimated components (with standardization)")

We do not find a clear indication of streaks in the estimated component matrix \(\hat{Z}\).

In [16]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 1:5]), cex = 0.3, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.1), 
  main = "Estimated loadings (with standardization)")

However, we find streaks in the estimated loading matrix \(\hat{Y}\). In contrast to the items of the personality questionnaire that have been constructed with simple structure in mind, no simple structure was implied when constructing the smartphone sensing variables. Nonetheless, the streaks would suggest that the smartphone sensing variables can be meaningfully clustered in this dataset.

For interpretation, we again highlight the 10 variables with the highest absolute loadings on each component.

In [17]:
n = 10
top_vars_z = data.frame(
  Apps_Usage = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 1]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Calls = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Music_Songs = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 3]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Music_Audio_Features = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 4]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  Terrain = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z$Y[, 5]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n])
Apps_Usage Calls Music_Songs Music_Audio_Features Terrain
daily_mean_num_unique_apps_week daily_mean_num_cont_call daily_mean_num_song mean_music_loudness daily_mean_neg_elev_change
daily_mean_num_unique_apps daily_mean_num_cont daily_mean_duration_music mean_music_loudness_weekday daily_mean_elev_change
daily_mean_num_unique_apps_weekend daily_mean_num_cont_week daily_max_num_uniq_song sd_music_loudness daily_mean_pos_elev_change
daily_mean_num_unique_Camera daily_mean_num_cont_call_out daily_mean_num_song_weekdays mean_music_energy daily_mean_elev_change_weekdays
daily_mean_num_unique_Camera_week daily_sd_num_call_in daily_mean_num_uniq_song mean_music_loudness_weekend daily_mean_elev_change_weekend
daily_mean_num_unique_Camera_weekend IVI_calls num_uniq_songs mean_music_acousticness daily_sd_elev_change
daily_mean_sum_events_daytime daily_mean_num_cont_call_miss daily_sd_num_song mean_music_energy_weekday
daily_mean_sum_events_night daily_mean_num_cont_weekend num_songs mean_music_acousticness_weekday
daily_mean_num_unique_Gallery daily_mean_num_call_out daily_mean_num_uniq_alb sd_music_acousticness
daily_mean_num_unique_Gallery_week daily_mean_num_cont_call_in daily_sd_duration_music mean_music_energy_weekend

To summarize, with careful preprocessing and appropriate data standardization, PCA+VR seems to meaningfully cluster the smartphone sensing variables, as indicated by radial streaks in the estimated loading matrix \(\hat{Y}\). However, we did not find streaks in the estimated component matrix \(\hat{Z}\) so we cannot necessarily have high confidence that PCA+VR was able to estimate well identified person scores on these components.

The following cautionary example showcases what can happen when the smartphone sensing data is not preprocessed with enough care.

A Cautionary example: Analysis without Standardization

To simulate mindless data analysis, we do not standardize the smartphone sensing variables and use the default degree_normalize = TRUE in the vsp call, although this should not be a meaningful setting because we do not analyze binary network data here.

In [18]:
sensing_mat_imp = as.matrix(phonedata_sensing_imp)
colnames(sensing_mat_imp) = colnames(phonedata_sensing_imp)
sensing_mat_imp = as(sensing_mat_imp, "dgCMatrix")
screeplot(vsp(sensing_mat_imp, rank = 50,
  degree_normalize = TRUE, center = TRUE))

With these settings, the screeplot shows substantial gaps (in contrast to the previous analysis with standardization). To keep it simple, we decided to extract 5 components here, but the main insights from this exercise do not seem to depend on this number.

When searching for radial streaks in the estimated component and loading matrices, we notice interesting changes compared to the analysis with standardized variables

In [19]:
pca_sensing_imp = vsp(sensing_mat_imp, rank = 5,
  degree_normalize = TRUE, center = TRUE)
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp$Z[, 1:5]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "Estimated components (no standardization)")

With these settings, we do find beautiful streaks in the estimated component matrix \(\hat{Z}\).

In [20]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 1:5]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.4), 
  main = "Estimated loadings (no standardization)")

In contrast, streaks in the estimated loading matrix \(\hat{Y}\) are very extreme. To a careful analyst, this might perhaps raise some alarms that something might be wrong here…

In [21]:
n = 20
top_vars = data.frame(
  GPS1 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 1]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  GPS2 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  GPS3 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 3]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  GPS4 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 4]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  GPS5 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp$Y[, 5]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n])
red_vars = unique(unlist(top_vars))
maxDistance huberM_time_spent_home huberM_distance_covered_weekend huberM_daily_max_dist_home huberM_time_spent_home_weekend
max_distance_home huberM_time_spent_home_weekday huberM_distance_covered_daily huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekday durationHome
rog durationHome huberM_distance_covered_weekday huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend huberM_time_spent_home_weekday
SDD max_distance_home huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend durationHome huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend
SDD_daytime maxDistance huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily SDD_nighttime SDD_weekend
SDD_weekend huberM_time_spent_home_weekend huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday max_distance_home SDD_sat
SDD_sat huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend huberM_rog_weekends maxDistance SDD_nighttime
SDD_weekday huberM_daily_time_spent_home huberM_rog_daily SDD SDD
SDD_nighttime huberM_daily_max_dist_home huberM_rog_weekdays rog mean_dur_wakeLeaveHome_weekend
huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekday rog Qn_rog_weekends SDD_sat huberM_distance_covered_daily
huberM_time_spent_home_weekday huberM_distance_covered_daily huberM_rog_nightly huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend mean_time_firstLeave
huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekday max_distance_home SDD_daytime mean_time_LeaveHome_weekday
huberM_time_spent_home SDD_nighttime huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend Qn_rog_weekends huberM_rog_weekends
huberM_daily_max_dist_home huberM_distance_covered_weekday SDD huberM_time_spent_home_weekend SDD_daytime
huberM_distance_covered_weekend huberM_distance_covered_weekend SDD_daytime huberM_daily_time_spent_home huberM_distance_covered_weekday
huberM_distance_covered_weekday huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend SDD_weekday huberM_distance_covered_weekday mean_dur_wakeLeave
huberM_distance_covered_daily SDD_weekend SDD_nighttime huberM_distance_covered_daily mean_time_lastHome
huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily huberM_rog_weekends SDD_weekend huberM_rog_weekends huberM_rog_nightly
huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend mean_time_lastHome maxDistance huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily mean_time_LeaveHome
huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday daily_sd_elev_change SDD_sat huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday mean_time_lastHome_weekend

Indeed, when looking at the top variables with the highest absolute loadings on each component, they do not seem to have a simple structure and are hard to interpret.

In fact, the top 20 variables loading on all components include only 36 unique variables.

Most of these variables seem to be based on GPS data in some way.

All of these variables have extremely high standard deviations.

In [22]:
sapply(phonedata_sensing_imp[, red_vars], sd)
                       maxDistance                  max_distance_home 
                      1723949.4317                       1658119.0296 
                               rog                                SDD 
                       593713.5051                        104176.6763 
                       SDD_daytime                        SDD_weekend 
                       110929.5007                        127175.3902 
                           SDD_sat                        SDD_weekday 
                       118107.2267                         96185.8329 
                     SDD_nighttime huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekday 
                        89259.8191                        386481.1616 
    huberM_time_spent_home_weekday huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend 
                       396556.4282                        597855.8383 
            huberM_time_spent_home         huberM_daily_max_dist_home 
                       362331.9954                        395986.1722 
   huberM_distance_covered_weekend    huberM_distance_covered_weekday 
                       273597.0960                        236849.2267 
     huberM_distance_covered_daily   huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily 
                       228491.3102                         36548.9043 
huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday 
                        51418.1852                         37995.9337 
                      durationHome     huberM_time_spent_home_weekend 
                       630997.9841                        356598.2761 
      huberM_daily_time_spent_home                huberM_rog_weekends 
                        23839.3676                         19736.6958 
                mean_time_lastHome               daily_sd_elev_change 
                        13992.7979                           652.7301 
                  huberM_rog_daily                huberM_rog_weekdays 
                        13893.6231                         15196.8947 
                   Qn_rog_weekends                 huberM_rog_nightly 
                        21541.5438                         15109.0978 
    mean_dur_wakeLeaveHome_weekend               mean_time_firstLeave 
                        13712.9354                         12298.1192 
       mean_time_LeaveHome_weekday                 mean_dur_wakeLeave 
                        12196.0186                         12383.4894 
               mean_time_LeaveHome         mean_time_lastHome_weekend 
                        12203.8207                         14425.9489 

In addition, all of these variables contain missing values in the original dataset and the number of missings is quite high for some of them.

In [23]:
sapply(phonedata_sensing[, red_vars], function(x) sum(
                       maxDistance                  max_distance_home 
                                58                                 69 
                               rog                                SDD 
                                63                                 60 
                       SDD_daytime                        SDD_weekend 
                                66                                107 
                           SDD_sat                        SDD_weekday 
                               114                                 82 
                     SDD_nighttime huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekday 
                               110                                 91 
    huberM_time_spent_home_weekday huberM_daily_max_dist_home_weekend 
                                97                                204 
            huberM_time_spent_home         huberM_daily_max_dist_home 
                                69                                 69 
   huberM_distance_covered_weekend    huberM_distance_covered_weekday 
                               120                                 83 
     huberM_distance_covered_daily   huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily 
                                67                                 60 
huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekend huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday 
                               110                                 77 
                      durationHome     huberM_time_spent_home_weekend 
                                69                                189 
      huberM_daily_time_spent_home                huberM_rog_weekends 
                                69                                133 
                mean_time_lastHome               daily_sd_elev_change 
                                70                                  5 
                  huberM_rog_daily                huberM_rog_weekdays 
                                74                                 90 
                   Qn_rog_weekends                 huberM_rog_nightly 
                               133                                132 
    mean_dur_wakeLeaveHome_weekend               mean_time_firstLeave 
                                 5                                 60 
       mean_time_LeaveHome_weekday                 mean_dur_wakeLeave 
                               123                                  5 
               mean_time_LeaveHome         mean_time_lastHome_weekend 
                                93                                230 

Our suspicion is that the radial streaks in the estimated component matrix \(\hat{Z}\) might be a result of these GPS variables, which dominate the solution from PCA+VR without standardization but are hidden behind the remaining variables when standardization is used.

To confirm some of these suspicions, we repeat PCA+VR on only these 36 variables, but now use standardization again. This results in 2 strong components with pronounced but odd-looking and not perfectly aligned streaks in both \(\hat{Z}\) and \(\hat{Y}\).

In [24]:
sensing_mat_imp_z_red = as.matrix(scale(phonedata_sensing_imp[, red_vars]))
colnames(sensing_mat_imp_z_red) = colnames(phonedata_sensing_imp[, red_vars])
sensing_mat_imp_z_red = as(sensing_mat_imp_z_red, "dgCMatrix")
screeplot(vsp(sensing_mat_imp_z_red, rank = 20,
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = TRUE))

In [25]:
pca_sensing_imp_z_red = vsp(sensing_mat_imp_z_red, rank = 2, 
  degree_normalize = FALSE, center = TRUE)
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp_z_red$Z[, 1:2]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "Estimated components (reduced itemset with standardization)")

In [26]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sensing_imp_z_red$Y[, 1:2]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.6), 
  main = "Estimated loadings (reduced itemset with standardization)")

In [27]:
n = 10
top_vars = data.frame(
  GPS1 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z_red$Y[, 1]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n]),
  GPS2 = names(sort(abs(pca_sensing_imp_z_red$Y[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE)[1:n])
rog mean_time_LeaveHome
maxDistance mean_time_LeaveHome_weekday
max_distance_home mean_time_firstLeave
SDD mean_dur_wakeLeave
SDD_daytime huberM_max_dist_two_points_daily
SDD_weekend huberM_rog_daily
SDD_sat huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday
SDD_weekday huberM_distance_covered_daily
huberM_rog_daily huberM_time_spent_home_weekday
huberM_max_dist_two_points_weekday huberM_time_spent_home

Simulation: Correlated Factors

Another important aspect of psychological applications of PCA+VR are correlated factors (e.g., the personality dimensions conscientiousness and neuroticism are thought to correlate around \(-0.4\); Linden et al. (2010)), thus oblique rotations are often argued for. Interestingly, R&Z show as a side result that the results of PCA+VR can be used to also estimate correlated factors in situations which are relevant for psychological measurement models.

In [28]:

Here we demonstrate that \(\hat{Z}\hat{B}\) (up to a change of units) estimates correlated factors simulated from a leptokurtic distribution:

  1. Simulate correlated factor scores from a multivariate leptokurtic distribution.
In [29]:

n = 10000
rho = 0.7
# adapted from
Z_star = scale(matrix(sample(c(-1,1), 2 * n, T) * 
    rexp(n * 2, rate = 2) ^ 1.3, ncol = 2))
cor_mat = matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), ncol = 2)
Z = Z_star %*% chol(cor_mat)

We first simulate two-dimensional uncorrelated standardized scores from a leptokurtic distribution (\(Z^*\)). Correlated scores (\(Z\)) are then constructed by multiplying the uncorrelated scores with the Cholesky factor of a correlation matrix with the desired correlation (\(\rho = 0.7\)).

In [30]:
pairs(Z, cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "True correlated factors")

When plotting the simulated component scores in the \(Z\) matrix, we see non-orthogonal streaks (i.e. oblique components).

  1. Simulate item response data.
In [31]:
k = 2
vpf = 20
d = vpf*k

pf_low = 0.8
pf_upper = 0.95
sf_low = 0
sf_upper = 0

loadings = function(k, d, vpf, pf_low, pf_upper, sf_low, sf_upper){
  x = runif(d, pf_low, pf_upper)
  y = runif(d*(k-1) , sf_low, sf_upper)
  i = 1:(d)
  j = rep(1:k, each = vpf)
  L = matrix(NA, d, k)
  L[cbind(i, j)] = x
  L[] = y

Y = loadings(k, d, vpf, pf_low, pf_upper, sf_low, sf_upper)
A =  Z %*% t(Y) + rnorm(n * d, sd = 0.1)

We create a loading matrix \(Y\) with simple structure and simulate the data matrix \(A\) with \(ZY^T\) and add some normally distributed noise.

  1. Perform PCA + Varimax
In [32]:
pca_sim = vsp(A, rank = 2, degree_normalize = FALSE)
  1. Estimate uncorrelated component scores \(Z\)
In [33]:
pairs(as.matrix(pca_sim$Z[, 1:2]), cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "Estimated uncorrelated factors")

When plotting the \(\hat{Z}\) matrix returned from PCA+VR, we see orthogonal streaks similar to \(Z^*\).

  1. Estimate correlated component scores \(Z\)
In [34]:
ZB_hat = as.matrix(pca_sim$Z) %*% as.matrix(pca_sim$B)
pairs(ZB_hat, cex = 0.5, col = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2), 
  main = "Estimated correlated factors")

However, the matrix \(\hat{Z}\hat{B}\) contains correlated components similar to \(Z\).

  1. Estimate correlation between components
In [35]:
          [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.7033317
[2,] 0.7033317 1.0000000

We can verify that the correlation of the scores in \(\hat{Z}\hat{B}\) are close to the true correlation in \(Z\) (\(\rho = 0.7\)).

Our simulation seems to demonstrate the results from sections 7.1 and 7.2 in R&Z, which state that if scores in \(Z\) are correlated; scores in \(Y\) are centered, independent, and leptokurtic; and the true \(B\) is proportional to the identity matrix, then the \(\hat{B}\) matrix returned from PCA+VR estimates the Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix \(Z^TZ\) (up to a change of unit). Note that because our scores in \(Z\) were scaled, \(Z^TZ\) is equal to the correlation matrix in our demonstration.

Open Questions

Surprisingly, the exact scores in \(Z\) (in the same unit) seem to be estimated by \(\hat{Z}\hat{B}\cdot d^{1/8}\).

In [36]:
nrows = 10
compare_scores = data.frame(
  z1 = Z[1:nrows, 1],
  z1_hat = ZB_hat[1:nrows, 1] * d^(1/8),
  z2 = Z[1:nrows, 2],
  z2_hat = ZB_hat[1:nrows, 2] * d^(1/8),
row.names = NULL)
z1 z1_hat z2 z2_hat
-0.8175379 -0.8258829 0.3337107 0.3052195
0.1451648 0.1404835 0.9071543 0.9425134
0.3726275 0.3342478 -0.0673917 -0.0741674
-0.0312845 -0.0496686 1.0465835 1.0630476
0.0533857 0.0278354 -0.0289375 -0.0004230
2.7693088 2.7368688 2.0474298 2.0732120
0.6403584 0.6849868 0.3958977 0.3967702
-0.5940332 -0.5576306 -0.1732053 -0.1453989
-0.2614659 -0.2740095 -0.7323451 -0.7558590
0.6697399 0.6585350 0.4020305 0.4119104

Unfortunately, we were not able not determine why or whether this might be just a coincidence here. To conclude, we agree with the following comment in R&Z (Rohe & Zeng, 2023) and are looking forward to further research in this direction:

Taken together, this all suggests that the B matrix provides a path to understanding “correlation among the factors.” Understanding this phenomenon is an active area of research in our lab.


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