
Welcome! This section of the manual is dedicated to the procedures for creating a new tutorial hosted via our GitHub organization. The following chapters will introduce you to the basics of the lmu-osc/tutorial-template which standardizes the design of our websites, the licensing, the citation styles used, and more to provide a coherent structure across our growing catalogue of tutorials. In particular, the chapters are organized as follows:

  1. Tutorial Template Overview introduces the major files and folders in the tutorial, and briefly describes the purpose of each of them.
  2. Things You Shouldn’t Change provides some warnings about files that should only be changed in extenuating circumstances, and how to go about doing so.
  3. Getting Started outlines the technical steps needed to get started with a new tutorial
  4. Matomo Analytics discusses our website data analytics tool, and how to include the necessary tracking code in the website.
  5. Releases and Zenodo shows you how to make sure your repo is available to Zenodo, and how to use GitHub “releases” to trigger sending your repo to Zenodo (which, importantly, creates a DOI for the repository).
  6. Updates and Versioning covers in greater detail when and how to make updates to your project, with particular attention paid to GitHub releases and versioning of the project.
  7. Best Practices discusses some best practices when developing your tutorial. These are largely recommendations. (Chapter not developed yet–questioning content.)
Note on Authoring Practices, Writing Style, and Formatting

We do not prescribe how or what tutorial authors should write, obviously as long as content is within the scope of the tutorial topic.

Feel free to stylize your content to your liking, and take advantage of Quarto features, Markdown features, and code embedded in the documents as your see fit.

You can, as always, tag an OSC member for review or help in pull requests or issues!

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