Learn to edit one type of document as input…

  • Text
  • Analyses
  • Source code
  • Graphics
  • Tables
  • Citations

…and convert it to different output formats

Some examples from our own work

Presentations (html, pptx, pdf)

The html presentation you see right now.

Websites: Quarto Workshop

The website we use for our Quarto workshop.

Websites: Teaching Materials

A website with R exercises from our statistics courses.

Journal articles (pdf, docx, html)

Use pdf for your preprint, submit docx to the journal, publish a website that contains all materials.

Other Possible Content

For more (professional) examples, see the official Quarto Gallery and Quarto Blog.

Quarto and R Markdown

  • Quarto is the successor of R Markdown and now contains almost all of R Markdown’s features (and a lot more).

  • Although R Markdown is not going away, new features will probably only be implemented in Quarto.

  • We suggest to use Quarto instead of R Markdown for new projects, unless you know that some functionality you need is currently not yet available.